Nikki Bella and John Cena Broke Up Earlier This Year

Nikki Bella and John Cena Broke Up Earlier This Year
Apparently John Cena & Nikki Bella’s recent breakup isn’t the first time the two have split.

Nikki Bella revealed in an interview that they had broken up earlier this year over their differences of wanting & not wanting kids. Basically the same reason they split just a few weeks ago.

“I called my wedding off a few months ago and that’s pretty much what she’s talking about [Brie]. I think what people don’t tell you about wedding planning is that it makes you face the rest of your life because you are about to commit permanently forever. As I was starting to go through this process, “Oh, wait I’m not going to be a mom” and I promised him that I would never argue about it or bring it up. When I make those promises, I’m like, “Okay, that’s it.” I won’t talk about it or discuss it and so I started to just get this anxiety but instead of just like going a different way — one day I just woke up and I go “I think I’m okay with being by myself” and that’s it. So I told him, “Look, I’m not going to beg you and I get it fully. You deserve to be with someone that doesn’t want to have kids but I want it and I just need to end this.” Oh yeah, try to find it and he was just like, “WHAT?” So we went our separate ways.”
Nikki provided additional details on the first split and revealed that Cena actually agreed to have kids with her before the wedding was back on.
“We had a flight in Napa that morning and we literally had camera crews and our wedding planners. Everyone to set up our whole for like to make all our decisions and I told him, “You do not have to have the cameras film this” and he was like, “No, I want it.” It hurt me so much to see him so upset and then having ever because he’s such a private person having everyone watch. That like killed me for him because he’s an amazing man and that’s why I wanted — I was like we both deserve to be happy. What we want. So we both then went our separate ways. He literally got on a flight to Tampa and I have drove to San Francisco and I was waiting on a flight for like 5 hours to get back to San Deigo. I was like, “I’ll have my stuff out in 30 days.” It was so tough but then John, which you will actually see on Total Bellas, but then he flew and was like — it took him four or five days, but he was like, “I can’t live without us girl. So, I have to give her these things.” When he came to me that was the last thing I was expecting, like when he was willing to be a dad. I was like, “did you say willing/not willing? because I’ve heard ‘not’ the whole relationship. I’m confused.” And he’s like “I’m willing” and I’m like, “I don’t even know what to say.” He started crying and I was like, “um I’m sorry I just feel numb right now” and I felt numb for a week. I even had to go to my therapist to be like, “I think I’m still numb” and she’s like “you definitely are.” And I’m like “Okay.”
You can listen to Nikki’s remarks embedded in the video below.


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