WWE Mixed Match Challenge - Bobby Lashley and Mickie James vs. Finn Balor and Bayley + Jimmy Uso and Naomi vs. R-Truth and Carmella

WWE Mixed Match Challenge - Bobby Lashley and Mickie James vs. Finn Balor and Bayley + Jimmy Uso and Naomi vs. R-Truth and Carmella
Tonight's WWE Mixed Match Challenge episode features Bobby Lashley and Mickie James vs. Finn Balor and Bayley plus Jimmy Uso and Naomi vs. R-Truth and Carmella.

Mickie James and Bobby Lashley (with Lio Rush) vs. Bayley and Finn Balor

The women start things off and lock up. Mickie with a wrist lock but Bayley with a reversal. Bayley with an arm wringer but Mickie with an Irish whip. Mickie misses a charge but Mickie with a rana. Bayley avoids a drop kick and gets a near fall with a rollup. Bayley with another rollup for a near fall. Mickie holds on to the ropes on an O'Connor Roll attempt and Lashley tags in. Lashley poses for the people of Manchester and then he poses for Balor. Lashley continues to pose and Balor does not appear impressed. Finn goes to the turnbuckles to pose and Lashley pulls Finn off the turnbuckles.

Lashley with forrearms to the back and he poses. Lashley chokes Balor in the ropes. Balor with a drop kick and Balor poses. Lashley is sent to the floor by Balor and then Rush is sent to the floor. Balor is tripped by MIckie and Lashley hits Balor from behind. Lashley with boots to the back. Lashley starts to work on the back. Lashley with a nerve hold. Lashley with a knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip. Bayley distracts Lashley long enough to allow Balor to get his boots up. Lashley catches Balor when he tries for the tag and Lashley runs Balor into the turnbuckles. Balor moves when Lashley goes for a splash.

Bayley tags in and connects with clotheslines. Mickie sends Bayley into the turnbuckles and Bayley with a hot shot. Bayley with a shoulder into the turnbuckles and then she hits a running knee into the corner. Bayley sends Mickie to the apron for a cutter in the ropes. Bayley runs into a super kick from Mickie and Balor breaks up the cover. Balor with a forearm to Lashley but Lashley gets Balor up for a slam and Balor escapes. Balor with slingblade and then he sends Lashley into the ring post.

Rush gets in the ring and Balor chases after Rush and after a few laps, Rush goes into the ring and then he hits the turnbuckles when Balor moves. Balor goes up top and Lashley pushes Balor off the turnbuckles before Balor can hit Coup de Grace on Rush. Bayley gives Rush a belly-to-belly suplex. Mickie with a thrust kick and she hits the MickDT for the three count.

Winners: Bobby Lashley and Mickie James

Next week's Raw match will be Braun Strowman and Ember Moon versus Mickie James and Bobby Lashley in a battle of the two undefeated teams on Raw.

Mickie James and Bobby Lashley are with Kayla Braxton. They are asked about their match next week and Mickie says there is no doubt they are a great team, but they are not as great as us. They will show why they have dominated Mixed Match Challenge. Bobby agrees with Mickie. Lio says they come to Mixed Match Challenge to dominate every week and it will be no different next week.

Jimmy Uso and Naomi vs. Carmella and R Truth

The men start things off and Truth with a side head lock and Carmella makes the tag. Truth with some dancing while all four are in the ring and Jimmy asks for a mic.

Jimmy says Truth wanted a rap battle. Truth says that he did not know that Jimmy was so sensitive.

Truth says to describe this rhyme is blended, the adjective is splendid. Truth with leave you with hype. Carmella says she respects your glow but Mella is Money. Moonwalking, trash talking, still sweet as honey.

Naomi takes the mic and says she has an uce who is always by her side. She is like Bonnie and he's like Clyde. Jimmy says he found out he was having a rap off so maybe he should wow the crowd like with the New Day. He likes Truth so there is one thing left to say . . .

Truth says DANCE BREAK!

Carmella kicks Naomi and hits a super kick for a near fall. Truth sends Jimmy to the floor and Truth follows. Carmella with a reverse chin lock. Naomi with punches and Carmella with a satellite head scissors take down. Naomi with a kick in the corner for the three count.

Winners: Naomi and Jimmy Uso

Next week's Smackdown Match will be AJ Styles and Charlotte Flair versus Miz and Asuka in another battle of undefeated teams.

We go to credits.


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