WWE Mae Young Classic Results - October 17, 2018 (Full Show Video)

WWE Mae Young Classic Results - October 17, 2018 (Full Show Video)
We are down to the final eight women in the second Mae Young Classic.  Who will advance tonight?  Mia Yim faces Toni Storm.  Meiko Satomura faces Lacey Lane.  Tegan Nox faces Rhea Ripley.  Io Shirai faces Deonna Purrazzo.

We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole, and Renee Young.

Meiko Satomura says she wants to show what true strength is.  She wants the world to know about Japanese wrestling.  She wants to be part of Evolution and make it to the finals.

Lacey Lane says it is a surreal feeling.  She wants to show why she is an asset to the Women's Evolution.

Lacey says she knows it will be a challenge and she does not fear anything.  Satomura says she is going to put her spirit into it now that she is in this tournament.

Meiko Satomura vs. Lacey Lane in a Quarterfinal Match

They lock up and Satomura backs Lane into the ropes and Lane blocks a kick and avoids a forearm.  They lock up and Satomura with a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle.  Lane with a chop and Satomura with a kick and she blocks a kick from Lane.  Satomura puts the leg down and she offers her hand.  Lane refuses and Satomura with a round kick and a spinning round kick to the temple.  Satomura gets Lane on her shoulders and Lane goes for a sunset flip but Meiko drops down.  Lane with a round kick for a near fall.  Lane with a waist lock.

Lane misses a kick but she does not miss a second time and gets a near fall.  Satomura with a round kick to the temple but she misses a kick.  Satomura goes for a cross arm breaker.and Lane finally gets to the ropes.  Satomura with a suplex but she misses strikes and Lane with a knee and forearms.  Lane with more forearms in the corner.  Lane with a running knee to the temple.  Lane with a cross body and she gets a near fall.

Satomura with a kick and Death Valley Driver for the three count.

Winner:  Meiko Satomura (advances to face winner of Mia Yim vs. Toni Storm)

Io Shirai gets ready in the back.  Deonna Purrazzo is also getting ready.

Io Shirai says she is the number one women's wrestler in Japan.

Deonna Purrazzo says she considers herself the Fujiwara arm bar specialist.

Deonna says Io is a menace in the ring.  Everything she does is phenomenal.  Shirai will be the toughest competitor she has been in the ring with.  Shirai says if she does what she did in Japan, she will be able to win.  Deonna says that she needs to beat Io to get to Evolution.  Io says she will do what it takes to get to Evolution.

Io Shirai vs. Deonna Purrazzo in a Quarterfinal Match

They go for a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Purrazzo with a wrist lock.  Shirai with a side head lock.  Purrazzo with a top wrist lock into a side head lock.  Purrazzo with a shoulder tackle and head scissors but Shirai lands on her feet.  Shirai with a drop kick and Deonna goes to the floor.  Shirai with a suicide dive cross body onto the ramp.  Shirai gets a near fall.  Shirai with a slam followed by a handstand into a double knee drop and Shirai gets a near fall.  Shirai kicks Purrazzo in the legs and chokes Deonna in the corner.  Purrazzo with a rollup for a near fall.  Purrazzo with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Purrazzo with a jackknife cover for a near fall.

Shirai with a double stomp to Purrazzo.  Shirai with kicks and a forearm.  Shirai with forearms in the corner.  Purrazzo with a chop and forearm.  Shirai with a forearm of her own.  Purrazzo with a hip toss followed by a drop kick.  Purrazzo with a kick and knee lift and side Russian leg sweep into the Fujiwara arm bar.  Shirai tries to get to the ropes and rolls Purrazzo over for a near fall.  Shirai with a crossface.  Purrazzo gets a near fall.

Shirai with a palm strike to Deonna.  Shirai with a Tiger Feint Kick and springboard drop kick for a near fall.   Shirai with a single leg take down and Shirai goes up top for a moonsault but Deonna drops Shirai on the turnbuckles.  Purrazzo with two rolling German suplexes and then she hits a third one.  Deonna gets a near fall and then she locks in the Fujiwara arm bar.  Deonna leans back to trap the other arm.  Shirai with a rollup for a near fall.  Shirai with a crossface.

Purrazzo tries to escape the hold and Shirai with a knee to the temple.  Shirai with a running double knee strike in the corner and then Shirai goes up top for a moonsault and hits it for the three count.

Winner:  Io Shirai (advances to face winner of Tegan Nox vs. Rhea Ripley)

We see Tegan Nox and Rhea Ripley preparing for their match.

Rhea Ripley asks if you have not seen what she has created here and what she has done.  She taught herself not to care about anyone or anything anymore.  She is going to get the gold.

Tegan Nox says she was supposed to be in last year's Mae Young Classic but she tore her ACL.  It made her stronger.  She feels sorry for the rest of the women because she is going to take this.

Tegan says Rhea is talented and strong but it is time for Tegan Nox to shine and do what she does best.  Rhea says she will show what she does best.  Tegan can beat the giant.  Rhea says she will rip Tegan apart.

Tegan Nox vs. Rhea Ripley in a Quarterfinal Match

Nox with a drop kick and she hits a suicide dive onto the ramp.  Nox limps as Ripley goes back to the ring.  Nox has trouble getting back into the ring.  Nox misses a clothesline and Ripley picks up Nox and drops her on her chest for a near fall.  The referee checks on Nox.  Ripley with a forearm to the back as the medical staff makes their way to the ring.

Nox is asked if she can continue by the doctor and Nox continues.  Ripley with a kick to the midsection and a forearm to the back.  Ripley chokes Nox in the ropes.  Rhea sends Tegan into the turnbuckles and chops Nox.  Ripley with another chop.  Ripley with more chops.  Nox chops Ripley but Rhea with a drop kick and the referee stops the match.

Winner:  Rhea Ripley (by referee stoppage) (advances to face Io Shirai)

After the match, Tegan is helped to the back.

Michael Cole talks about Tegan Nox coming back from her ACL injury to suffer this type of injury.

Mia Yim says she is coming with a whole different game.  You can look in her eyes and see the determination and motivation.  She knows what she needs to do in order to win this tournament.  She will make sure that she will bring more eyes towards her.

Toni Storm says there is no stopping what she can do.  She says she will win the Mae Young Classic.  She cannot let herself or her fans down.  She wants to win because it is her dream.

Toni says Mia is one of the biggest names in wrestling but she won't lose to Mia.  MIa says she will do what it takes to win.  Toni says she is going to make it to the finals.  Mia says she hopes you are ready to witness this destruction.

Toni Storm vs. Mia Yim in a Quarterfinal Match

They lock up and Mia with a knee to the midsection and a forearm to the back.  Mia with a kick to the chest.  Mia with a chop.  Storm with a running boot to the chest and a running double knee strike into the corner for a near fall.  Storm with kicks to Mia followed by a back heel kick and suplex.  Storm gets a near fall.  Storm turns her focus to the taped up hand and Storm stomps on the hand.  Storm with a European uppercut and she follows with a second one.  Storm goes for a package move but Mia with a kick to the elbow.  Mia kicks Toni in the corner.  Mia pulls Storm out of the corner and gets a near fall.  Mia with a sleeper.

Storm with elbows but Mia pulls Storm to the mat.  Mia gets a near fall.  Mia with a bow and arrow but Storm counters with a lateral press and she gets a near fall.  Mia with a drop kick for a near fall.  Mia with a front face lock.  Mia with a guillotine and body scissors on Toni.  Toni picks up Mia and hits a spinebuster to get out of the guillotine.  Mia with a drop toe hold and sleeper.  Mia with kicks to Toni followed by an axe kick to the back for a near fall.

Mia with strikes and kicks to Storm followed by a rolling kick for a near fall.  Mia with kicks to the leg but Toni kicks the hand and Toni with a head butt and both women are down.  Toni with a forearm and Mia fires back.  They throw in chops and slaps from their knees.  They get to their feet and they continue.  Mia with a knee but Toni blocks a kick and Toni hits a German suplex.  Storm with a running hip strike.  Mia with a Saito suplex for a near fall.

Toni floats over when Mia charges into the corner.  Mia with a power bomb for a near fall.  Mia sets for Sole Food but Toni blocks it and she grabs Mia's injured hand.  Storm with a German suplex followed by Storm Zero for the three count.

Winner:  Toni Storm (advances to face Meiko Satomura)

We go to credits.


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